I have heard from so many of my friends and family...wondering where the heck I've been?
I guess since June 2005 I have been completely CONNECTED to the computer. Always on IM, Always on email, Always on my favorite support site....And it seems like I've "dropped out". But the REAL reason I been hard to reach is I've "dropped back in to life". With a VENGEANCE!
The last 2 weeks have been a whirlwind.
Visited Family in Tampa, hung out with my best freind from 8th grade Iris and her unbelievably sweet family, had an AWESOME Valentine's day, went to my first face to face meeting with a client since this started in May, went to a trade show, had a buddy from work come into to town and partied with him and friends, and Jeff's Mom and Sister are here from out-of- town. And oh yeah!....Completely detailed the house, got the little bit of "down" on my head colored (think Easter Chick), been shopping for clothes and new make-up.
I know, I know...big deal right? I have a few girlfriends that can do all that in one WEEKEND, not 2 weeks...but for me it's a TON of activity.
I still have a few "issues" from the chemo and the surgeries....but my energy has returned. I feel like I am making up for lost time!!!
The last time I came out of treatment (in 2003) I think I actually experienced Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. This time it's a little different....maybe because I came so close to saying the "final goodbye" ( not good with goodbye's) But I think the real reason I am so "high" on life is because of the overwhelming feeling of love and support from my friends, family and most of all my sweedy, Jeff. I feel like George Bailey on It's a Wonderful Life. ( I wonder where Zuzu's petals are?)
If I actually began to thank everyone for their kind words, support, cards, phone calls, gifts, prayers.....I just really don't know where to begin. My heart is overflowing with gratitude.
So.... now I am on the "upside of the roller coasster" (stole that from Stacy).....I wonder how long it will last?
Love you all!