Monday, January 16, 2006

Young Survival Coalition-Great Support Site ......what a great support site for breast cancer patients! It is so comforting and informative at the same time. I love all the very salty language too! Some of the girls who post on the site are HILARIOUS....a gal from Texas and TammyLou crack me up all the time.

It just SUX in such a horrible horrible way when we loose someone on the board to this S%^&tty disease. It's is so awful. These woman are SO young. And some with kids...I just can't imagine going through this AND taking care of kids. I just don't think I could do it....I can barely take care of myself....If I didn't have my Sweedy I don't know what I would do! probably have to live with one of my sisters or my parents.....YIKES. Maybe doing it ALONE is worse than doing it with kids.

So original diagnosis in 02....EARLY stage NO lymph involvement....Mastectomy, Chemo and Radiation....I was supposed to be LUCKY. This crap came back BIG time.....all in my lungs (pleura mostly) and bones....I'm not even sure how much I Doctor didn't want me to freak....she just started listing places....Spine, Pelvis, Ribs, Sternum. Clavicle, Femur....I was like SHUT-UP!

I was NEVER sick....I still have my damn tonsils for cryin out loud!!....Anyway.....just finished 8 sessions of Taxotere (6months) That stuff is just the worst....can't describe how bad it makes you just feel way OFF. Like having a really bad hangover for 6 months. Some woman tolerate it ok....some woman get hospitalized it's so bad....I guess I'm somewhere in the middle. I felt SO bad complaining about it because it was WORKING. Thank goodness. If it didn't work..I don't know how long I would be here with all that crap everywhere in my body. You know what's SO strange....that CRAP is your own cells. Your own cells gone freaking haywire. HOW CAN THEY NOT FIND A CURE?? You would think by now we could find a way to tell the cells....CUT IT OUT. I guess there has been SUCH massive improvements....even since my original diagnosis....oh well I can't complain too much....I am still here.

Tomorrow is a BIG day for me....I get CAT and PET scans done to see for SURE if the chemo worked....I have had really good results from blood work....but we won't know for sure until after the scans......get results on the 19th.....FINGERS CROSSED.

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