Monday, January 30, 2006

5k was AMAZING!!!!!!!!

I don't have any pictures yet! Jeff only took video and I haven't received the still pics from any of the girls yet. What a beautiful day! About 75 and sunny with about 2500 women walking throughout the neighborhoods of Winter Park. It was SO much fun. I walked most of it but HAD to try running the last 1/2 mile...which I did....AND lived to tell about it. Thank you Lori for keeping me company on the last 1/2 mile and for making sure I didn't do a face plant on the brick streets.

So who was there for the run and the brunch afterwards?

Cindy and her daughter Alex (13)
Tracy and her kids Zander and Nona
Lori (ran the WHOLE thing in 27 minutes...we WALKED the first mile in 27 minutes!)
Andrea...Ran it! and it was her first competitive 5K..she did awesome
Sig...gotta hold of some bad OJ but ran later in our honor and brought delicious quiche to brunch
Peg....showed up refreshed and glowing at the brunch
Supported by Mike B and Jeff and Joe.

The after party at Cindy's was SO GORGEOUS. Looked like a movie set. Can't WAIT to post the pictures. It was on her back porch on the lake. Just imagine pink and white balloons, pink and white flowers and an amazing table set with hearts and pink was breathtaking....Cindy and her husband Joe, sons Christian and Jack and daughter Alex...turned a GREAT day into a day that will never be forgotten.

We loved getting together so much (even at that early in the morning) that we are going to try to get together every month to do a run/walk. The Track Shack here in Orlando sponsors a lot of fun events...I'm doing the research now.

OK no more excuses for me!! If I can do a 5K I can certainly workout!! (...damn!) :)


ssgg said...

Sounds great....
I want pictures !

Deanna said...

Sounds like I can get you on a marathon training program now!

How about the Chicago Marathon in 2007?

Nancy Wehrell said...

Pictures coming soon!....hey and isn't a marathon like 26 miles or something? Is there a marathon in Hawaii maybe??

Deanna said...

Yes the Honolulu Marathon is in the fall......

26.2 miles to be exact - no sweat after the crap you've been thru!