Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Vintage Drums

For those of you who don't know....Jeff is a drummer. Has played on and off in bands since he was in high school. Lately he has been finding incredible deals on older drums and re-habbing them and either selling them or trading them for other drums.

These pictures were taken for the latest treasure. These were taken in a corner of our house that looks "vintage" ... although what decade would be a guess because it is such a mix.

He put these pics up on ebay and negotiated a trade for some other drums that are supposed to be very valuable.

This is such a great hobby for him.


Anonymous said...

Awesome! My brothers were both drummers and it's totally cool. They named their dog Zilgin (I'm not sure how to spell it) but Jeff would know it's a drummer thing. Tell him not to be mad at my spelling error. Very cool, Im impressed :) Now we want to hear him play.
MaryLou Fisher-Jonathan's wife.

Nancy Wehrell said...

ML-I didn't know drums were so complex. When he breaks these things down they are in a million pieces!
These blue drums are Rogers and he traded them for Gretch's.....apparently that's a good thing. :)