Friday, March 23, 2007

Elizabeth Edwards

Is there a Silver Lining? I tend to always look for one.

The country is about to get a MAJOR education about Breast Cancer....or just Cancer in general.

I am a news junkie and watch everything...PBS, CBS, CNN, MSNBC..It was interesting how the day wore on and it got later and later...the commentary was more and more intelligent.

Started out with uneducated comments like "I thought Elizabeth Edwards was cured" the end of the evening I saw a reporter stating statistics I am usually lecturing about..."1 out of 7 women in their lifetime will get BC" ..."85% of all Breast Cancer patients do NOT have Breast Cancer in their family".

I even saw a Doctor from Sloan Kettering explaining the differences between all the different treatments and advancements of targeted biological therapies.....I think that might have been on Anderson Cooper's show.

If in fact she has only the one spot on her ribs she has many years to look forward to. I hope with all my heart that is all she has.

In the meantime, the country is going to learn a great deal about what we are dealing with. And the education won't be wrapped in Pink and delivered just in October.

Maybe BC awareness month will now move to November and the Ribbon will become Blue.
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