Wednesday, April 19, 2006

And Life Marches On

Once Again I go too long without a post. I guess because I am feeling so much better I get a little distracted. I will try to catch everybody up on the last few weeks.


Our neighbor John has moved into his new home. I would not say "settled" he still has tons of stuff to unpack...but he is in, and VERY happy. The house is gorgeous. He is only a block or two away. Jeff is just great about visiting him! He went over this morning to cook John breakfast! Looks like John's family will be moving here sometime this summer...which is very good news.

WE HAVE KITTENS...John has a cat (his first). A little kitten adopted John sometime last year. In the confusion of the move she hid under a neighbor's shed for about a week. I FINALLY got her out from under the shed. Turns out she was very pregnant. We decided (actually I decided) to keep "momma" with me as John has very little experience wth cats, especially pregnant cats and kittens. Momma had kittens 2 1/2 weeks ago....5 ADORABLE balls of fluff. They are still teeny and not causing any trouble (yet).

John will take Momma back with one kitten...I've found a home for 4 more to go! I will post pitctures so you can see them. We've got about 6 weeks to go before they can be adopted...ANY TAKERS????


I am feeling pretty darn good. Still not 100%.

Most of my 'issues' are very minor and we're working through them. I am pretty out of shape as I was practically bed (house)-ridden for so long. I am slowly starting to move more. Went for a 3 mile walk the other day and boy am I feeling it. I just need to keep it up. I got the OK to add weights to my regimen.

I had BETTER get in gear...I have committed to do the 3 Day walk for BC in's 60 miles. Yes 60 miles. Don't worry...I will post A LOT more about this because I will be hitting everybody up for money for this event! :)


Work is going great. I don't really post too much about work, but I feel the need to mention it. The company I work for, VoiceObjects, has just been incredibly supportive throughout my ordeal. They have been very flexible with my schedule and my responsibilities over the last year. It looks like a lot of the stuff I have been working on has come to fruition too..I think they are glad they have kept me around ;) There is a big industry conference happening here in Orlando next month so I get to see everyone from VoiceObjects here in Orlando. I'm pretty excited. I haven't really seen much of anybody from work since last May! So almost one year.


Jeff and I are heading to Ft. Walton Beach over Memorial Day Weekend. Pretty psyched about that. We really need a break. Seems like we're stuck in the house a lot. A few of the women from my BC support site, YSC, will also be there. So I get to meet some of these women face to face! It's going to be an emotional weekend for sure. Lots of happy tears in our beers.

I am really looking forward to this summer in general...last year was just a blur. I have a lot of catching up to do! We are going to try and go to the beach as much as possible. I've got the Beach all I need is a board. I hit the waves a few years ago with Diane (4th of July) I was pretty pathetic....need some work there for sure! But hey! Would rather have surfing as a summer goal as opposed to "getting through chemo"!

1 comment:

Jenna said...

You have been TAGGED to list the 6 most weirdest things about you. Check my blog to see instructions.