Thursday, January 26, 2006


Unbelievable!!! Scans are RESCHEDULED AGAIN!

Wow....I am in NO hurry to spend 45 minutes in a tube that has a circumference of about 18 inches...but this is ridiculous.....this is the fourth time! And it is because I have NEW insurance and I'm also now on COBRA. So February 6th is the date...I guess I'll believe it when I actually show up.

The lady from Florida Hospital Scheduling said all the girls in the group were afraid to call me...because last time they called to reschedule, they caught me at a bad moment one morning ....and I burst out crying...apparently the girl who called me cried for about 30 minutes afterward. Poor thing. I told them to try to give me bad news in the anti-anxiety meds have kicked in by then ;)

Thank Goodness my bloodwork is so good...otherwise I would be a lot more freaked....

On a REALLY positive note....I am in a 5K this Sunday with a bunch of my great friends....I am so PSYCHED. I am NOT running...but will be walking. (Or crawling) I know this is amibitious, but I gotta MOVE. A month ago I could barely walk around the block!

Check it out

Next Monday I will post all the pics and let you know if I survived or not! We are having a champagne brunch at Cindy Christmas' house after the race......I bet THOSE pics will be worth some $$$!


Deanna said...

Damn, Nance. What a pain in the freakin' ass! Insurance is the WORST! The absolute worst!!

Hang in there kiddo.

I am so excited to hear about your 5k! That sounds like a good time and it's always a great excuse for mimosas afterward!!!!

Nancy Wehrell said...

Hey you! How's the weather in the Windy City? You know what's worse than Insurance? Having none. What do people do without it? I guess Go broke or stay sick. KEEP YOUR INSURANCE UP TO DATE!!!!

Thanks for the encouragement D

Love Nancy