Saturday, January 14, 2006

January 14 2006

Well this is long overdue. I have been trying to start journeling or capturing in one way another this wild, crazy, scary ride I have been on since July 2002. It is now January I guess it's about time. I have been dancing with the Breast Cancer Beast for a few years. and it's been a WILD ride. I will try to back track a bit and fill you in on what has happened in the past...I will make sure to post pictures so you can see the various physical changes this experience has presented me.

I am doing this primarily for myself and the ones closest to me. A chroncle of our collective experience....I am not on this journey alone. I am lucky to be accompanied by angels, a sweedy and caring hearts.


Nancy Wehrell said...

Thanks Timmy! Loved your jokes you sent to day....hilarious!!

Nancy Wehrell said...

Stacy....As Larry the Cable guy says "GETTER DONE!!!!!!!!!"..