Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Jeff is Going to a Special Conference in Baltimore

I am so proud of him for doing this.....I am a lucky girl.

The First National Male Caregivers Conference: Men Empowering Men to Care for Women with Breast Cancer

August 18–19 in Baltimore, MD

The conference will focus on educating and empowering men to be effective caregivers when breast cancer strikes a female loved one. MABC will provide a forum for men in similar situation to get to know each other and share their real life experiences.

Conference Objectives:

Focus on navigating the crisis of breast cancer with a proven problem solving technique.
Provide an ongoing forum for men in similar situations to get to know each other and develop a support network.
Improve the quality of survivorship of the patient.
To learn an innovative proven problem solving technique tailored especially for men supporting women with cancer, which will improve the quality of survivorship of the patient.

Extra Benefits

Attendees will receive a scholarship for their travel, hotel accommodations, and meals.
Attendees will receive a stipend at the conclusion of attending the full conference.
Attendees will enjoy an evening baseball game and a plenary session in a skybox at the Baltimore Orioles’ Camden Yards.

Conference Agenda
Day 1 - Friday, August 18, 2006
3:00–4:30 pm
5:00–10:30 pm
Plenary: Opening Session at Camden Yards (including dinner in luxury box during Orioles vs Blue Jays game)
Day 2 - Saturday, August 19, 2006
7:00–8:00 am
Continental Breakfast & Welcome
8:05–8:35 am
Plenary: Partners’ In Survival™ Training Workshop & COPE
8:35–8:45 am
8:45–9:30 am
COPE in Action
9:30–9:45 am
Form Small Groups
9:45–10:15 am
Group COPE Practice Session
10:15–10:30 am
10:30–11:45 am
Group Reports
11:45–12:30 pm
12:30–1:30 pm
COPE Review
1:30–2:00 pm
Final Questions/Conference Evaluations

Partners In Survival™
Partners In Survival™ is an educational workshop designed, developed, and facilitated by Men Against Breast Cancer in conjunction with physicians, social workers who specialize in breast cancer education, other health care professional, as well as breast cancer patients and family members. The objective of Partners In Survival™ is to provide information and education in a manner that breast cancer patients and their partners find easy to use and apply to their lives so that they can more effectively manage the breast cancer crisis. Partners In Survival™ workshops focus on how breast cancer impacts individuals as well as the family unit. The workshops include practical tips to help manage the many elements of the breast cancer crisis, including, doctor's visits, household responsibilities, children, intimacy, communications, and more. Specific emphasis is placed on men understanding the physical and emotional needs of their female partners